A Quiet Day is to be held at the Collegiate Church of St Endellion, led by Rev’d Angela Butler on
Saturday 19th March, 10am-3pm
“Journeying with the Celtic Saints”.
The Celtic Saints have a reputation for spreading the Gospel by being, quite simply, available to God to go wherever he sent them. Although legends and myths abound about their journeys and deeds we will ask whether they offer us an example of how to spread the gospel in ways which are as relevant today as they were in their day.
The day will end with a simple Celtic communion service.
Rev’d Angela Butler is a retired priest living in Newquay. She has a background as a Parish Priest and is currently Chair of the Diocesan Evangelism Group. She is also interested in the different ways in which, through our personalities, God invites us into relationship with him.
Time: commencing at 10.00am with coffee in the Church Hall, first session 10.30am in the Church.
You are welcome to attend all or part of the day.
Drinks provided– please bring your own lunch
Cost: £10 for the whole day, payable on the day
Booking is not essential but it is helpful to have numbers beforehand. Please contact: Judith Pollinger (rev.judith@nullbtinternet.com) or 01208 880181